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ZuGamer.com Privacy Policy » Zugamer

ZuGamer.com Privacy Policy

Zugamer Zugamer.com is committed to protecting consumer privacy online. We believe that greater protection of personal privacy on the Web will not only protect our users, but also increase users confidence and ultimately their participation in online activities. The purpose of our policy is to inform you about the types of information we gather about you when you visit our site, how we may use that information, whether we disclose it to anyone, and the choices you have regarding our use of the information. Zugamer.com strives to offer its visitors the many advantages of Internet technology and to provide an interactive and personalized experience. By using our site, you consent to our website’s privacy policy and Terms of use.

1. Cookies
We use “cookies.” The cookies we place on your computer are very small text files that uniquely identify your browser and may be sent to your computer or mobile device. They are stored on your hard drive and communicate with our servers only when you are visiting our websites. We use cookies to improve the quality of Zugamer.com They allow us to monitor aggregate metrics such as total number of visitors and number of pages viewed. They also allow us to optimize Zugamer.com to make sure that we are delivering the best possible experience to our users. Your web browser is likely already set to accept cookies, yet you may choose to block cookies in your web browser’s settings. Note that blocking cookies may result in some features not being able to function properly.

2. Device Information
We collect information regarding the Internet browser, computer, tablet, mobile phone, smartphone or other device utilized to access Zugamer.com to ensure that Zugamer.com is optimized for those devices.

3. Analytics
We use third party information, reports and analysis about the usage and browsing patterns of users of Zugamer.com. We allow the third party analytics companies to include web beacons and cookies on Zugamer.com. The collected information includes search terms, search parameters, click-throughs by users, and other similar information. We utilize this information to improve Zugamer.com and make sure we are delivering relevant content to our users. The Analytics we use do not identify individual users of Zugamer.com.

4. Log Files
We may also automatically log certain anonymous information about visitors to Zugamer.com, including, but not limited to, where the user came from to visit our site, IP address, search terms utilized, browser type and a reading history of the pages viewed.

Changes in Privacy Policy

Zugamer.com reserves the right to change or update this Privacy Policy at any time by posting a notice at the Site explaining that we are changing our Privacy Policy.

Contacting the Site

This information is used to respond directly to your questions or comments. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us here .

Zugamer Last updated: January 12, 2023